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Using Zubi - General
Admin Stuff
How do I finalise an ingredient?
How do I calculate a product?
What impact does draft and calculated/final status have?
How do I use the notes option?
How do I add a new brand?
View all 8
Searching for items
How do I search for products?
VIDEO: How do I use the where used function for ingredients?
All about ingredients
How do I search for ingredients?
What is an ingredient?
What is a public Ingredient?
How do I add a new ingredient?
How do I fill in the ID tab when adding / editing an ingredient?
View all 13
All about products
How do I add a new product?
How do I fill in the ID tab when adding or editing a finished product?
How do I build a recipe within a product?
How do I adjust the ingredient declaration for a specific recipe / product?
How do I use the split function to shorten my ingredient listing for multi-level recipes/products?
View all 20
Reporting and printing
How to I access a label or report for my product?
How do I change the size of my labels?
How do I print labels or reports from Zubi?
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