Code field
The Code field is the identifier used by Zubi to find this item in the database. The code needs to be unique amongst the items within the finished products module.
Zubi will suggest a code for you to use and this will display in the Code field. If you already have a code you want to use to identify this finished product just overwrite the prefilled code with the one you prefer. Just remember that it needs to be unique. If it has already been used Zubi will not save the finished product.
Name field
The Name field is for the name of the finished product. It's what you'd call it.
Be aware this product name transfers onto the product label or report so choose a name that others will understand.
Description field
The Description field is an optional one that you may want to use to supplement the name field. As the contents of the description field appear in search results, you could use it to identify the name of the team member entering the data, whether it is a seasonal variation or any other information useful to staff.
Brand field
You can choose to add a brand to the product by picking a brand for the drop-down list or by typing a new one.
To learn about adding extra suppliers see here
Country of Origin
You can choose options for the Country of Origin statement. The first drop-down gives options such as "Made in" etc, and the second drop-down is where you choose the country that applies.
Display Country of Origin
Uncheck this box if you do not require the country of origin to appear on the label.
Internal Review Status
Products will be set to draft status. unless you change it. Set to Final when the product is finalised and the label can be printed (or report can be downloaded). Set to Obsolete when this recipe is no longer used.
This is for internal purposes only, for the benefit of clear staff communication. For users on the Casual or Frequent plan annual renewal fees will still apply for products set to Obsolete.
Business Name field
The text in the business name field will display on your label reports since it's a mandatory field on most food products.
Your business name is stored in the Business section of the Administration Tabs. You can alter the name in here and it will display on all new finished products you create.
Business Address field
The text in the Business Address field will display on your label reports since it's a mandatory field on most food products.
Your business address is stored in the Business section of the Administration Tabs. You can alter the address in here and it will display on all new finished products you create.
You can also edit the address field from within a product. This is useful for a company that owns several brands which have different addresses.
Barcode Field
This field was previously used to record the barcode for this product. The location of barcodes has recently moved to the NIP/Size tab. Information entered here will not appear on the label/report.
We are working to remove the barcode field from this location and apologise for any confusion caused in the meantime.
Last Modified On
This records the last occasion the product was modified. Beneficial for internal review purposes.