Draft vs Final for ingredients

When searching for an ingredient you will see you will see yellow draft or green final icons next to the ingredient code in the list of items. 

When you open the ingredient you will see yellow draft or green final icons at the top right of the page.


Ingredients that have draft status have not been finalised (by you or your team) for use in your products. Ones that show as Final are ones you have decided are OK to use - that's all there is to it for ingredients.  


It's up to you to choose how you use this draft to final status function for ingredients. 

At this stage, the status has no impact on whether an ingredient can be used in a product, but we may build this into Zubi later on. 


If you have a team of people using Zubi you may have people with different permissions. This might mean only some people in the team can view both draft-status and finalised-status items (e.g. the technical staff) whereas others can only see the finalised ingredients. 


Contact Zubi (support@zubi.co.nz)  if you would like to discuss setting up permissions for your team.




Draft vs Calculated for products

When searching for a product you will see you will see yellow draft or green calculated icons and yellow draft or green final icons next to the product code in the list of items.

Internal review status is for internal use only and does not affect calculation status. When you open the product you will see yellow draft or green final icons near the bottom of the ID tab.


Customers on the Casual or Frequent plans will be charged every time you calculate a finished product. The reason you will want to calculate finished products is so that you can access the the nutritional information and Labels / Reports for the finished product.

Products that have draft status have not been calculated (by you or your team) whereas ones that show as calculated are ones you have decided are OK to use. Click the blue calculate button to be taken to the payment screen.

Some information will be hidden for products in draft calculation status

The the calculated nutrition information will not show for products in draft status.  

The label/report and calculated ingredient listing and allergen listings (in the Listings tab) for ingredients in the recipe will also not show for products in draft status. 

Once paid, the product will be in calculated status. The nutrition information will show.

Some extra information will display for products in calculated status

The calculated nutrition information will show for products in calculated status. The calculated ingredient listings and allergens will also show.


If you have a team of people using Zubi you may have people with different permissions. This might mean only some people in the team can view both draft-status and calculated-status items (e.g. the technical staff) whereas others can only see the calculated products. 


Contact Zubi (support@zubi.co.nz)  if you would like to discuss setting up permissions for your team.