To show how this works we'll look at an example.

This product (Fruit Nut Choc) has 4 ingredients.

1. Chocolate budlets are a compound ingredient with text in the declaration field plus the short and long declaration field.

2. Kiwifruit is also a compound ingredient with text in both the short and long declaration fields.

3/4. Banana and almonds are both simple ingredients so only have text in the declaration field. As public ingredients they are read only so can't be changed to compound.

But in the recipe we can adjust the declarations for this specific product. I have changed the declarations so banana has fruit as the declaration text and banana as the short and long declaration.

With kiwifruit and banana now having the same text in the declaration field it means they can be grouped as "Fruit" in the ingredients listing.

This is what out listing looks like so far.

Option 1 

If we tick the % Group box for each ingredient inside the recipe....

We get this:

The chocolate and almonds are not grouped - because they don't have the same declaration as other ingredients so can not show a group %.

The chocolate has a % showing because Zubi sees it has text in brackets and thinks you want to see the % outside the brackets because the text inside brackets is fixed and not accessible be Zubi.

Fruit is showing % outside the brackets because Zubi is grouping the fruit ingredients together.

Option 2

If we tick the % Ingredient box (but NOT % Group box) for each ingredient inside the recipe....

We get this: 

The chocolate and almonds are are not grouped - because they don't have the same declaration as other ingredients but they have % because they are both ingredients. 

Kiwi and banana have % because they are both ingredients. 

Fruit has a % because this is set to be included whenever text inside the brackets have % declared.

Option 3

If we tick the % Ingredient AND the % Group boxes for each ingredient inside the recipe, it has no impact.