I'll use this example product to explain an important point about declarations that are split.
My Level 1 product uses 2 ingredients in the recipe and I have linked this product to make it into an ingredient I can use in a higher level product.
Here it is as a linked ingredient (note the i on end of the code)
My Level 2 product uses the Level 1 linked ingredient plus 2 more ingredients and I have then also linked this product to make it into an ingredient I can use in a higher level product (Level 3).
Here's the Level 3 product using the Level 2 linked ingredient plus extra ingredients (including the same cocoa used in a lower level recipe and one that we will give the same name (sugar) as an ingredient in the lowest level).
The aim of the splitting function is to reduce my final ingredient listing to make it shorter, with less ingredients doubled up.
Here's my current ingredient (for Level 3) listing with no splitting.
If I use split ingredient function on the Level 2 linked ingredient that is used in this recipe / product....
Then my listing for Level 3 get shorter because it doesn't have Level 2 as a group in brackets.
Then if I do the same process for my Level 1 linked ingredient used in this recipe product....
And I reopen the Level 3 product, my listing is even shorter and all double ups are removed. Good!
Scenario 1
Later on, after I have built this recipe / product I may want to make a change to a bottom level ingredient and see it reflect in the ingredient listing for the top level product.
But there is one point here I need to be aware of. Let's go back to the example to demonstrate.
Say I want to add bolding to the milk in the butter. To do this I need to add ** on either side of the word milk. THEN, I also need to use the Copy Declarations to Products button to get this change to move to the first level recipe the butter ingredient is used in.
If I don't do this and look for the change in the top level product ingredient listing, it won't be there but if I do, it will. Like magic.
So don't forget to use Copy Declarations to Products when updating the declarations on an ingredient.
Please beware, if the overall product is more than 2 levels (and you are splitting) you need to also use Copy Declarations to Products on the linked ingredient made from the 1st level recipe so it goes through to the 2nd level recipe. From that level up, Zubi can look through the recipes and find the correct declaration.
NB: This action is not needed when changing nutrition values or allergens - these always flow up to the the next level.
Another scenario
If there were a reason I didn't want ALL products that use the butter ingredient to see the change, I could also do a manual change to the butter declaration, just for this product.
To do this I go into the recipe for the Level 1 linked ingredient product and make the change to the declaration for the butter.
However, in this case the text for the milk within the butter ingredient is now different in the Level 1 recipe than it is when it's in the Level 3 recipe (see below).
This means that Zubi can not remove the doubled up long declarations so it puts them both into the listing.
But if we add the ** into the butter for the ingredient in the Level 3 recipe as well as the Level 1 recipe, the double ups will be removed.
We have added this functionality into Zubi to allow you the flexibility of adjusting a declaration for one ingredient in one multi level product without needing to have the change impact ALL products that use the ingredient.